
Narkwa Oyster Harvesters Assoc. Receives Capacity-Building on Oyster Fishery Co-Management

By WA Shellfish Hub

A three-day capacity-building workshop has been successfully organised for the Narkwa Oyster Harvesters Association (NOHA) at Ekumfi Narkwa Community Centre from June 18-20, 2024. The training, organised by the West Africa Shellfish Knowledge and Outreach Hub (Shellfish Hub), University of Cape Coast (UCC), and supported by the Development Action Association (DAA) and Densu Oyster Pickers Association (DOPA), aimed to empower NOHA members with critical skills and knowledge on the sustainable co-management of oysters.

On the first day, Dr. Eric Appiah Krampah, Shellfish Hub Support Person, captivated participants with insights into oyster biology and ecology. From learning about the oyster life cycle to viewing oyster gametes under a microscope, the attendees were engaged and inspired. The afternoon focused on water quality monitoring, where Shellfish Hub Coordinator, Dr. Isaac Okyere, and DOPA trainers demonstrated the use of refractometers and pH indicators for water quality monitoring. Participants eagerly practiced reading salinity levels, gaining practical skills in optimal environmental conditions for oyster growth.

Day two was hands-on, with NOHA members learning about mangrove restoration and oyster shell restocking for oyster reef enhancement and stock rebuilding. DOPA trainers emphasized the importance of mangroves in supporting oysters, and demonstrated planting techniques around the Narkwa lagoon. Mr. Elias from DAA introduced participants to simple landings data collection, highlighting its significance for sustainable oyster fishery management. After a hearty lunch, Madam Emelia from DAA conducted a session on Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA), providing essential financial management skills. The day concluded with leadership and advocacy training led by Madam Lydia Sasu, who inspired participants to be effective leaders and advocates for oyster fishery sustainability.

On the final day, Mr. Rexford Ofosuhene from the Ekumfi District Assembly, introduced NOHA members to opportunities available through the District Assembly. He emphasized the inclusion of youth and individuals with disabilities and announced an upcoming trade fair for showcasing their trade. The literacy and numeracy training, facilitated by DOPA trainers, was another highlight. Participants learned to recognize numbers and alphabets, boosting their confidence and empowering them in personal and professional endeavors. The workshop concluded with heartfelt closing remarks from Dr. Isaac Okyere (UCC), Mrs. Lydia Sasu (DAA), and Mrs. Bernice Bebli (DOPA president). The NOHA president expressed gratitude, marking the end of a transformative training that strengthened the foundation for sustainable oyster resource management in the Narkwa lagoon.