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The objective of this desk study is to examine links between West Africa women-led shellfisheries co-management approaches, research and findings and other initiatives that address similar gender-based themes in coastal resource management around the globe in low- and middle-income countries. It highlights cases that explore links between womenled shellfisheries co-management in estuarine mangrove ecosystems and biodiversity conservation, gender equity, climate change adaptation and mitigation, sustainable smallscale fisheries, and food security. The report’s target audience is practitioners involved in promoting the management and conservation of estuarine shellfisheries and habitats for gendered livelihoods support. In addition to The Gambia and Ghana, five cases from the Philippines, Ecuador, Brazil, Kenya, and Tunisia are highlighted with key takeaways for practitioners from each.
- Author(s)
- Women Shellfishers and Food Security
- Publisher / Institution
- University of Cape Coast, World Agroforestry (ICRAF), TRY Oyster Women’s Association, Development Action Association, and Coastal Resources Center, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island.
- Date published